One of Pode Bal’s Extreme Campaign posters, posted during the election of 1998, text: “the minister of health warns: socialism and fascism are harmfull”

One of Pode Bal’s Extreme Campaign posters, posted during the election of 1998, text: “the minister of health warns: socialism and fascism are harmfull”

"Throw away your brain and vote equality cof communism or fascism."


"Vote security: the GAS of former regimes"

"This was an extremely nice day. Not one extremist."

"Stop extremists by legal means. Don't vote them."

"Fascism with a human face"

"Vote extremists"

"1948! 1968! 1998? You had your time."

Extreme Campaign, 1998

Poster campaign in public space aimed against extremist parties running in the Parliamentary ellections, distributed in various Czech cities.

With: David Fírek

Before the elections of 1998, certain extremist political parties had marked alarmingly high preferences in the polls of public opinion elections of 1998, certain extremist political parties had marked alarmingly high preferences in the polls of public opinion. These were: KSCM - the communist party of Czech. and Moravia, SPR-RSC - the extreme nationalist and in fact neofascist party and DZJ - “the senior citizens” party, made up mostly of ex-communists and ex-communist leaders.
Pode Bal had created fifteen very simple posters, and in effort to provoke thought on the side of our unfortunate citizens, distributed them all over the Czech republic in large quantities. With the help of many others, the poster were put up in the streets of many Czech cities. (Perhaps it was a little help, as two of the three mentioned parties did not make the 3 percent minimum to get into the Parliament, in contrast of the previous election.)
Pode Bal projects: Extreme Campaign / 1998